It started this week when I started going to the gym. At first, I thought it was just a fluke. But now I know that an entire week is not a fluke...Aiden has separation anxiety. He cries the entire time he is with the daycare people. The poor guy cries so hard that when I go get him (or they come get me) he stops crying but he continues to have those huge shuddering breaths you get right after you cried really hard. And that sound breaks my heart. I didn’t think that it started so early! When I referenced my mommy guide (What to Expect During the First Year), it states that separation anxiety as being most prevalent around 1 year old. So why is my happy, smiley little baby experiencing it now? The book also said it is a normal part of child development. That may be so, but it doesn’t make this any easier. Part of me is thrilled that he knows who his mommy is, but the other part of me wants one hour a day to workout. I also want him to be social with other people. Which, as long as I am there, he gives out his best smiles and coos to complete strangers! What is a mommy to do? This is one area where I am totally at a loss at what is the right thing to do. Any mommy’s have any advice? Should I continue to subject my child to new people to try and help him through this phase or do I forget the daycare and hit the gym at night when Aaron can take care of him?
My daughter Sophia was exactly the same way and it started at birth! She is 1 today and has sorta grown out of it...I can at least go into another room without her crying her eyes out! I never was able to leave, still haven't left Sophia alone with anyone for more then 20 minutes. I know this sounds insane but I am just as much attached! Be thankful you have this time with him now, because he will grow up and you will miss those days he cried for his mommy! I would recommend trying to work out while your husband can watch him to see if that helps...alone time with Daddy might make it easier for him to have alone time with other people!